Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has thrown into sharp relief the role of economic and trade measures both as a means of constraining and deterring an adversary. There has also been a growing realisation that for national security reasons, over-dependence on one country for energy, grain, rare earth metals and critical minerals, and other core components of supply chains represents a resilience risk. It is therefore crucial that the UK thinks strategically about the security of supply and its capacity and capability to use economic measures as a credible form of deterrence, and deterrence by denial.
The ITFA-SAC is a cross-industry, independent and autonomous Working Group that is working to: a) establish a common standard for ESG disclosures; b) articulate the common standard to regulators on behalf of the business, banking, and trade finance sectors; c) establish an independent and approved audit mechanism for compliance based on common standards. The Audit Council is UK based but international in focus.